Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Why is Haiti so poor

1. Europeans brought diseases
2.Dictators stole money from their country and left the people very poor
3.They had Civil war between groups of slave owners but the world never helped
4.There are rich people that controls half of Haiti's wealth
5.Only half of the people have mid school education
6.Dictators persecute many people
7.Outside forces stop Haiti to improve or advance
8.They are jealous of what others have so they don't work together
9.Rivers and lakes are drying up
10.Garbage contaminants are breeding diseases


Derek said...

Hey Kaisei, Do you still remember me??? It's Derek. I like your blog, it's really cool. My blog site is http://tasblogs.tas.edu.tw/wpmu/derekw16106801/

Michael said...

Kaisei, this post is quite well done. You've listed 10 reasons Haiti is poor, and all of them make sense, sorry to say. :-( Keep up the good work.
