Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Tennis Tournament

This sunday, December 13, I had a tennis tournament for doubles (japanese). It was my second time going in a tennis tournament and last time I came 3rd and my doubles partner was a friend from Bandung. We were sure we will come 1st because I run 1km every morning at 5am and tennis practice everyday after dinner. I was really nervous because there were 7th graders in that tournament too. We played our first game and it was easy because they were our age and they were beginners. We won them 6-0. The second match was a had real hard match and if we won that match we would go to the finals but if we lost we would go to the match where we choose who is in 3rd place. It was a real tough game but we won 6-5 and we went to the finals. At the finals we played against 7th graders. I would really be shocked and ticked off because the 1km I ran every morning and the practice I was doing would just be a waste. We were really nervous. After 30 minitues we were still playing but after ten minutes the score was 6-5 to us. We were so happy and we were really surprised that we won. We actually came 1st! The problem was if I could come 1st again next Tournament.


Eric said...

Hi Kaisei it's Eric! Was the tennis tournament fun? It sounded fun.

brianc16108454 said...

kaisei.....is dat relly you?
you probably forgot me but trust me, i was ur frend

Unknown said...

Kaisei!! Remember me? Can't believe we get to see each other like this :)
your still doing tennis? me too!!! hope we can play tennis together some day :D