1. List the main reasons for water Scarcity.
Hot Desert, low rainfall,
2. What is a drought? What type of hardships do you think that a drought could cause if you were living in a village in a poor country such as Ethiopia. A drought is when it rains less than average.
It would cause dehydration
3. How does land degradation affect the supply of fresh water?
4. (a) What is El Nino It starts warming which happens every three to five years.
(b) Why does El Nino often cause drought in Australia? The El Nino winds goes to Australia by reversal of air pressure
5. Observe the map showing the global effects of El Nino in 1982-83
(a) What effects does El Nino have availability on fresh water? It decreases the annual rainfall
(b) Name the Countries and describe the problems that arose from decreased rainfall caused by El Nino? Africa, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Australia, Philippines, China, Peru, Columbia, USA